Leading companies know neurodiverse teams are not just a moral imperative but a strategic advantage

Neurodiverse teams are 30% more productive, and The Safe Space Collective helps foster an inclusive workplace that inspires high performance culture.

Why you should care about your neurodivergent employees

The WHO estimates that ~15-20% of the world’s population are neurodivergent, so chances are your workforce is already neurodiverse.

If you’re only offering benefits to a portion of your workforce, you’re missing out on tapping into the huge potential fostering a neurodiverse workforce brings.

6x More Innovative

A 2018 Deloitte report showed companies with inclusive, diverse cultures were 6x more innovative.

Leadership support

Support your leaders responsible for the critical role of driving high performance, nurturing and attracting top talent and fostering inclusive cultures.

Improved Employee Satisfaction

Companies that take an interest in the marginalised groups that make up their workforce report higher employee satisfaction and reduced attrition.

Neuroinclusive Workplace

Earn the reputation and gain the recognition as a safe space to work through demonstrated, conscious commitment to providing benefits for your whole workforce.

What Makes Us Unique

Safe Space Collective is the pioneer in this space. We are the first and only solution dedicated to creating a personalized neurodiversity inclusion platform tailored to your company’s needs. Your organisation deserves a platform as unique as your vision for an inclusive workplace.

Let’s Unlock Success Together

Ready to embark on your neurodiversity inclusion journey? Join us at Safe Space Collective and start your journey to a neuro-inclusive organisation today.